
Data and Replication Materials

Legislative production in the EU, 1967-2012

Annual time series (general) Policy area specific Codebook

These are aggregations derived from a file which has each legal act as a row (more than 100.000 of them).
If you need the raw data (40mb), email me. Also, if you want the Python script used to extract the data from Eurlex, email me.
A presentation of the data is availablle here. The R scirpt used to generate the graphs is here.

2018, Party Government and Policy Responsiveness, Journal of Public Policy [details]

Data and scripts (R)

2018, The Opinion‐Policy Nexus in Europe, European Journal of Political Research [details]

Data and scripts (R)

2018, Changing Regulatory Policy in Sweden, Scandinavian Political Science [details]

Data and scripts (R)

2017, The Impact of the Eastern Enlargement on the Decision-Making Capacity of the European Union, Journal of European Public Policy [details]

R script Data (zip)

2016, Accession to the European Union Does Not Increase the Homicide Rate, European Sociological Review [details]

data+code (zip)

2015, Exploring the Performance of Multilevel Modeling and Poststratification, Political Analysis [details]

R scripts (zip) Data (zip)

2015, Adopting Open Source Software in Public Administration, Government Information Quaterly [details]

R script Data (csv)

2015, Does Immigration Undermine Public Support for Integration in the European Union?, Journal of Common Market Studies [details]

All data and scripts in an archived (zip) file

2014, The Dynamic Relationship Between Asylum Applications and Recognition Rates, European Union Politics [details]

All data and scripts in an archived (zip) file

2013, Policy Making Beyond Political Ideology, Public Administration [details]

Data (main) Data (cabinets) R script (main) R script (appendix)

2013, Consultation and Legislative Duration, European Union Politics [details]

Data Codebook R script

2013, Organized Interests and the Timing of Legislation, Interest Groups and Advocacy [details]

Data (zip) R scripts (zip)

2012, Effect of Early Agreements on EU Legislative Duration, EIOP [details]

Data (main) Data (DEU) Codebook R script

2011, Public Opinion and Policy Output in the EU, European Union Politics [details]

Data (main) Codebook R script

2009, Comparing Transposition in the 27 Member States, Journal of European Public Policy [details]

Data (main) Codebook R script

2008, Embracing EU Law: Compliance in CEE, European Union Politics [details]

Data (main) Codebook R script

2007, Social Policy Transposition in CEE, Journal of European Social Policy [details]

Data (main) Sample Codebook R script